COSS – the Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions is a non-profit association that promotes open source, open data, open standards and APIs. Internationally, COSS is known as one of the oldest and most active centres for openness.
COSS’ operation is based on far-reaching cooperation, communication and creating networks.
The objective of COSS is to strengthen the competitiveness of Finland’s software intensive industries, promote the growth and internationalisation of open source businesses and reinforce the development of the Finnish information society with the support of open technologies and communities.
The CNLL (France’s Free Software and Open Digital Enterprise Union) is a trade association representing about 200 “pure players” companies (specialised or with a significant activity in free software): open source software vendors, system integrators, consulting companies, etc. CNLL’s main mission is to represent the professional Open Source ecosystem to public authorities and existing national and international organisations, to ensure greater visibility of the entire ecosystem – its software and services offer, its specific assets and its needs, particularly in terms of employment and training, as well as to enable the players in the sector to recognize themselves within it, to exchange and work together to develop the market, while respecting common values.
The Open Source Business Alliance e.V. is a German non-profit that operates Europe’s biggest network of companies and organisations developing, building and using open source software.
The goal of the OSB Alliance is the continued strengthening of confidence of industry and management in open-source software. The organisation makes use of various instruments such as: cooperation projects, networking, marketing and public relations.
The Open Source Business Alliance pursues its work focused on interoperability, open standards, open-source software, heterogeneous solutions, business development, OpenStack and Open Cloud.
Open Source Sweden is an industry association that supports the interests of Swedish Open Source companies.
We seek to maintain the interests of Swedish companies dedicated to supplying Open Source products, development and services.
Our mission is to stimulate a healthy market for software through the development, provision, and support of products and services based on Open Source Software and Open Standards.
Associação De Empresas De Software Open Source Portuguesas – ESOP is a corporate association that represents Portuguese companies dedicated to software development and services provision, based on Open Source solutions.
Its members add a wide range of skills, able to intervene in the most diverse scenarios of professional services: from small and medium to large companies, and associations to public administration.
ESOP actively advocates and promotes the concepts of Open Software, Interoperability, Open Standards and Independence of Technology Platforms.
The NLUUG is the association of (professional) Open Systems and Open Standards users in the Netherlands. Since the late seventies, the NLUUG has brought together the community of system administrators, developers, researchers and network professionals. The primary goal of the NLUUG is to extend the application of, and knowledge about, open systems and open standards.
RIOS is a network of companies created to promote professional services and Open Source products, offering high level solutions. RIOS represents a reference point in Italy for anyone who wants to exploit the benefits of Open Source with the security, stability, support and guarantee of Enterprise level solutions. The network is made up of 9 companies, among the main ones in the sector, which share experience and resources, ensuring services and solutions that are simple and advantageous to use, guaranteeing qualified support.
Advisory Member

OFE is an independent, not-for-profit think tank providing innovative thinking and comment on key aspects of Digital/ICT within a core competence of ‘openness’.
Its focus is on Brussels, where it maintains a full time office providing policy analysis, advice and input not only to its supporters, but with the European Commission, Council and Parliament.
OFE draws its support both from global suppliers from industry, from local SME and community organisations, and through its participation in projects. OFE is also supported by its global network (some 60+ strong) of OpenForum Academy Fellows, each peer-appointed and drawn from both academia and operational practice, who collectively represent the best in innovative thinking within key areas of interest.
There are three categories of APELL members
Full Voting Members
Voting Members are open to all National Open Source Business Associations in Europe. In the case of any country where no specific national Open Source business association exists, a VMmay also be an international organisation which includes European members or a regional organisation.
The annual fee to be a full voting member of APELL is 1500 EUR.
Advisory Voting Members
Advisory Voting Members, although not Open Source business associations of any kind, can become a member if it is generally respected for its competence on OSS-related issues and can make a substantial advisory contribution to APELL. AVMs must be invited by the Board of APELL to apply for admission.
Associate Members
This category is open to any other national Open Source business association, whether or not that country is in Europe, is not in a position to incur liability for (or to commit to pay) full membership fees to apply for admission as an Associate Member.
In addition, the Board may at its discretion invite any individual or organisation, wherever located, who or which is recognised for the outstanding support they have provided to furthering the aims and objectives of the Association to apply for admission as an Associate Member.
Each APELL voting member shall be entitled to be represented on APELL’s Management Board. Associate Members may be invited by the Board to nominate an Observer to attend the Association’s annual General Assembly meeting.